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Catch Up with UCF Hillel

Students gathered around a table, smiling at the camera
Jared Schaffer, Chana Stall, Noah Galper, and Gal Bach

Throughout this long summer, Hillel has been full of life in new ways in engaging students who live on and off-campus. Summer months can usually be long and even sometimes boring, but with the events that Hillel hosted, students were as thrilled as ever! Some of their events included their Black Widow Nosh, Olympic Watch Party Nosh, Shabbat programming, and even a Bagel Break on campus.

For the launch of the new Marvel movie, Black Widow, Hillel hosted a nosh where students could get together, hang out, and eat some delicious food. For the launch of the movie, Hillel ordered nachos that students could enjoy while watching the epic movie. This was such an amazing event, and the turnout was even better!

A more recent event that was held was the Olympic Watch Party Nosh which was all about the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. To celebrate Hillel served Japanese cuisine due to the location of this year’s Olympic games. So as students got to watch the different events, they were able to socialize and enjoy their dinner. This event was an excitement as we cheered on team USA and watched them win gold.

Hillel has also hosted various Shabbat dinners over the summer which allowed students time to celebrate this festive holiday. These events were full of cheer and laughter, and it was a great opportunity to meet other Jewish students and become a part of the Jewish community here at UCF. We have many upcoming Shabbat services, so it is never too late to attend a future service and or dinner.

Students gather before Shabbat dinner

Lastly, Hillel provided students during summer B a snack throughout the day by hosting a Bagel Break on campus at the reflection Pond. Students could stop by on their way to class and grab a treat and say hello to the Hillel family. It was a great way to take a quick break, grab a snack, and chat with other students. Hillel will continue to have this event in the upcoming fall semester.

This summer has been like no other here at Hillel and we can’t wait to welcome students coming in the fall. If you would like to participate in our upcoming events or learn more about what Hillel is, please visit us at:

We look forward to meeting new students and reconnecting with our Hillel family.

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