The Central Florida Hillel Alumni Network is a nationwide program that engages UCF Jewish graduates by cultivating alumni communities and connecting alumni to Jewish life on campus.
Through this network, our alumni will:
Connect with each other. Find out who’s living in your area or recent grads moving there. Form new friendships and expand social networks by joining local Hillel events happening near you.
Connect with us. Stay in the loop of what’s happening in Central Florida Hillel. Join us on campus for football tailgates, Shabbat dinner & services, and more!
Connect to community. Continue the tradition of tikkun olam and tzedakah by joining us in local opportunities to give back.
Just as you support us by sharing stories of your time on campus and by financially supporting Jewish life on campus, so too, do we want to support you as alumni. There are many ways to stay connected and involved: stay informed of Hillel and campus happenings, mentor an undergraduate student, help recent graduates settle into the community you live in, or just hear what other Jewish alumni are up to.
Please fill out our Where Are You Now form to share your own new happenings and interests.
For more information, contact Jacqui McGrail, at