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Life and Legacy Campaign

Planned Giving​ - Legacy Giving

The generosity of alumni, family and friends will ensure that Central Florida Hillel has the financial resources to enrich the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. There is no better time than now to ensure our shared vision of a world where every Jewish student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning and Israel. 


​In addition to the satisfaction that comes from knowing you have made a deep impact in the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jewish college students, the best gift plans can also improve your financial and tax situation – usually right away. We can help you explore options that balance your philanthropic goals with your financial needs and tax-planning strategies – helping you plan for your future while allowing you to make your legacy Central Florida Hillel's future. We are also happy to work with your existing team of advisors (attorney, accountant, financial planner, etc.) to assist them in implementing your philanthropic goals. 

The simplest way to support CFH is through cash gifts. But creative gifts of assets can include stocks, bonds, retirement plans, and property (real estate and personal property). These provide you with charitable deductions and can offer additional tax savings as well.

​Regardless of what you choose to give CFH, you have many options of how to make your gift. The most common planned gift vehicles include:

  • Charitable Bequests are easily made through your will, trust or estate plan and don't cost you anything during your lifetime. 

  • Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) provide you or your family quarterly, tax-free income, plus your estate benefits from reduced estate taxes.

  • Charitable Lead Trusts are a tax efficient way to transfer wealth to CFH and your loved ones for a fixed number of years, after which the assets revert back to your family members. You may make this type of gift during your life and receive immediate income tax benefits or

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts are also a tax efficient way to transfer wealth to CFH and your loved ones. Your beneficiaries will receive a payment for a fixed number of years or their lifetime, after which the remaining assets will pass to CFH. 

  • Retirement Plan benefits include assets held in individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and 401(k) plans. Most often these assets are subject to income tax when inherited by your beneficiaries, but if left to CFH they will pass income tax free. 

  • Life Insurance can be the direct funding medium for a gift, permitting the donor to make a substantial gift (face value of policy) for a relatively modest annual outlay (i.e., the premium payment).


Please contact Dan Harris/Liz Kalef at if you have already designated CFH as a beneficiary of your estate plans, or if you wish to discuss the many options available to you to ensure that Hillel will continue to be strong today and tomorrow. 

​For specific advice about the effect of any gift planning vehicle on your tax or financial situation or with your estate, please consult with your professional financial advisor, attorney, and accountant. 

Thank you, as always, for your generous and thoughtful support of our 6,000+ Jewish students at the UCF.
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Jeffrey & Diane Ginsburg Center for Jewish Student Life

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Phone: 407-382-2658


address: 3925 lockwood blvd

oviedo, fl 32765

© 2020 Central Florida Hillel

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